........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................CONTACT..........LIFE.......... SHOP NEWS......... INSPIRATION.......... OUTFITS.......... JEWELRY

Sunday, November 25, 2012


I love taking photos on my iphone, and recently discovered the afterglow app. It's only $1, and it's pretty sweet. You can create cool shapes and they have a ton of fun filters and effects. Here are some photos I have taken recently... 

I also instagramed all of these (duh) follow my on instagram as "prettylittlevintage"


Saturday, November 24, 2012


I know I haven't been the best blogger lately, but here's a sale to make up for it! 

Great new pieces that make excellent gifts for friends, family, or yourself :)

Check out the shop by clicking the image above, or by clicking right here

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving! I'll try and post again soon!


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

life lately...

Well blogging has escaped me again, dammit.

But this has been life lately - working on new new jewelry things, lots of yoga, also lots of reading, new friends, halloween leg lamp happened, oh & I voted!

Speaking of voting, Happy Election Day! I think we will all bode better minus all the politics that have been in the air (& on TV, & on the radio, & in our inboxes, & on our voicemails...).

Hope life finds you well my dears. I'll try & write again soon, promise!
