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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

a vintage bicycle rainbow

I love rainbows. I love vintage bicycles. I combined them.

Look how pretty!

{all found on flickr}

source: Wha'ppen

source: J Ferguson

source: ubrayj02

Makes me want to take a ride on my bicycle!

tuesday treasury

Browsing beautiful items and putting them all together in a pretty little collection...I heart making treasuries! I decided I am going to feature a new treasury every Tuesday. Ya know, because treasury and Tuesday start with the same letter and all :)

Enjoy this weeks treasury, titled shades of grey - vintage treasury. All the items are vintage, grey & beautiful!

Take a peek below or click here for the live version...

vroom. vroom.

{if i ever drive a van, it is going to be this ones twin}
source: tetsumo

Yesterday, I was driving on the freeway on my way to work when I heard a very obnoxious engine sound, I glanced around looking for the clunker car culprit....& then I realized the culprit was me. My car sounds like a small jet engine plane. She is currently in the shop being looked at, I think it might be her muffler...I just hope it's nothing too serious.

Anyways! Cars have been on my mind today and I decided to post some beautiful photos of vintage cars. There is something about the silhouette of a vintage car that I am drawn to. They evoke such a nostalgic feeling {& they are really pretty}.

Enjoy the photos {all found on flickr, click for the original}

{sea-foam loveliness}
source: beadmobile

{i wish i was in the backseat}
source: mole1965

{can i get in on this road trip, pretty please??}
source: eduardo deboni

{all up in her grill, hehe}
source: tibchris

Nothing beats a classic.

Monday, August 30, 2010

reupholstering done right

I was searching vintage furniture when I came across bokja and I am now in love with furniture I can never own {there are no prices on the website, so the pieces undoubtedly cost more than I make in a month & my boyfriend would kill me for bringing in another colorful pattern into our home}. Their pieces are all one-of-a-kind, made from recycled vintage embroidered tapestries traditionally given as bridal gifts. They are colorful, bold, kind of insane & absolutely amazing.

check out this chaise....

the seat my bum was made for...

last {but not least} the sofa of my dreams

maybe one day...for now i will dream :)

old school shades

I have a special place in my heart for a good pair of shades.

I have an ever growing collecting of all different shapes, sizes & colors. Sunglasses are a great way to play around with different styles without breaking the bank. I especially love vintage frames, which have been making a huge mainstream comeback the past few years. Several celebs are all about the vintage style, one of my favorites Mary Kate cannot get enough of her retro inspired shades.

Check out some of my vintage shade inspiration below, and find your own vintage frames here, or stop by and pick up a 2010 version someplace like here.

Shine on. :)

Sunday, August 29, 2010

flickr vintage inspiration

I heart flickr.

Take a peek at some of my vintage inspired favorites...

vintage c a m e r a

vintage r o l l e r s k a t e s

vintage l u g g a g e

vintage a d v e r t i s e m e n t

Friday, August 27, 2010

etsy vintage inspired treasury

One of my biggest sources of inspiration is Etsy. There are SO many shops and entirely too many beautiful items, it can be slightly overwhelming! I recently spent some time browsing vintage & vintage inspired items and put together a pretty little treasury. Enjoy!

You can take a peek below, or visit the actual treasury by clicking here.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

granny boots

Every time fall comes around the corner I renew my love affair with boots. We have a pretty serious thing going on…Please see the above picture of my beautiful new vintage inspired lace up granny boots.

The history of boots can be traced back to the 1800’s. They became most famous during the Victorian era, which gave us Victorian/granny boots. The boots covered a womens ankle to protect them from being looked at by men. While we have come a long way from hiding our ankles, we haven't fallen out of love with granny boots. Modern versions of this classic boot can be found at almost any shoe store.

I purchased my boots at Urban Outfitters but if you want to find a pair for real vintage granny boots head on over to etsy & click vintage and type in granny boots.

Ohhh…look how many, maybe my new boots need some friends…

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

my modern vintage icon

Oh Zooey Deschanel...I have the biggest girl crush on you. Also, I want to steal ALL of your clothes.

Zooey is my modern vintage icon. In real life, she dresses like an absolute doll & got to wear the BEST vintage inspired wardrobe for her film 500 Days of Summer.

And if you haven't already you must check out her band She & Him, featuring M. Ward (who has quite the impressive vintage style himself). Even Zooey's voice has a vintage quality. Take a look & listen for yourself...

I know. Adorable!

well hello there...

Hi there. Welcome to my shiny new blog.

Vintage is making a comeback & I have fallen in love with all things old. There are about a trillion different blogs, shops, articles & photos dedicated to the subject scattered around the net. Here at prettylittlevintage I will be picking through this heap of historical beauty & posting my personal favorites in one pretty little package.

Stayed tuned for some hardcore vintage inspiration...

photo credit: D Sharon Pruitt